Creative Holiday Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping Inspiration

Gift Wrapping, you might love it, you might hate it. You might be the person who has all their gifts wrapped before December 1st, or you might be the type who leaves it closer to Christmas Day. Regardless of how you feel about gift wrapping and when you get it done, why not make it an experience you enjoy? Gift wrapping doesn’t have to be a holiday chore if you turn it into a fun and creative activity. If you want to change out your basic gift wrapping for something fun and creative this year, we’ve included our top reasons behind why you should use creative and decorative gift wrapping this holiday season!

  1. An Extension of Your Style

Feeling inspired to wrap your presents a little differently this year? Here are some of our favourite colour palettes to use when gift wrapping. You can make this personal and expressive by creating a neutral & organic colour palette to follow, you can stick to a classic & timeless colour palette, or bring the feeling of sitting fireside with a rich & warm colour palette. Let this be an extension of your creativity and personality. 


2. It Adds a Personal Touch


Another wonderful part of creative gift wrapping is that it adds a little bit of you into it. Opting to take a little extra time and be creative with your gift wrapping shows the person you are gifting that you went an extra step and put a little bit more thought and care into the gift you are giving. The gift you give, while meant for someone else, will have an extension of your style and taste when you opt to make your gift wrapping a little bit more special. 


3. It Can Be Basic

Gift wrapping doesn’t have to be complicated and expensive. You can create elegant and beautifully wrapped gifts that are simple and inexpensive. A simple staple for gift wrapping is plain Kraft Paper. Think of the plain brown paper as a white canvas and let your creative mind do the rest! Play around with mixing elements, use natural spruce or holly, use yarn to make a fun pompom accent, twine, or even dried oranges are all great, and cost-friendly ways to decorate your gifts!


4.Experiment with Different Textures

Unfortunately, gift wrapping can create quite a mess. Not only for our homes but also for our little planet. A fun alternative could be to wrap your gifts in fabric! Fabric is a great way to use creative wrapping to style your gifts. Find a pattern that you like and accent it with ribbons or twine, and anything else you feel called to! If you’re looking for a planet-friendly alternative but don’t want to use fabric, there are tons of recycled and recyclable paper options available as well.


5. It’s Beautiful!

Let’s face it, there are many reasons to wrap your gifts a little bit more extra this year. But when it comes down to it, and you take the extra time to be creative with your gift wrapping it just looks downright beautiful. This season is filled with beautiful winter magic and your creativity will add to it. Everyone who will see your beautiful creations sitting under their tree will be impressed with the time, care, and thought you put into it. The holidays are already extra, why not be a little extra while having fun with it!

I hope this post has left you feeling inspired to create something magical this holiday season! The creative opportunities are endless with what you can use to wrap your gifts and how you want to do it. Have fun with wrapping and let yourself enjoy the process! The hard part of shopping and finding gifts is over, time to relax and enjoy the holidays. I am looking forward to soaking up every creative and festive moment this holiday season has to offer. I hope you and your family have the most wonderful holiday!
