Lighten Your Space with Spring Cleaning

The snow is finally starting to melt after what felt like a never-ending winter! Spring is coming and I am so excited for it. Spring feels like a time to refresh and restart. What better way to fresh up your life, than cleaning and refreshing your space. Spring cleaning can be quite a chore and is not an effortless project but it is so worth it. Nothing feels quite as good as coming home to a clean home after a long day. Spring cleaning shouldn’t be overwhelming or overly time-consuming. Here are our top three tips to help you through this spring cleaning season!


Create a Checklist


Start by creating a list of everything you want to give a good deep clean. Take a look around your space and evaluate what has not been done in a while and could use some TLC. Don’t forget to check drawers and closets, cleaning doesn’t just have to be scrubbing your cupboards. Spring cleaning is a great time to clear out that overflowing junk drawer and donate anything that does not serve a purpose in your life.


Check Your Supplies 


Now that you have a list of everything you want to conquer, check your supply stock to make sure you have everything you need to start your deep clean. You’ll want to check to make sure the products you are using are safe to use with what you are cleaning. There are also tons of environmentally friendly products out there to choose from. I like using Blueland cleaning products because they are refillable, safe to use, and they get delivered to my door. You could also try making your own natural cleaners with baking soda, white vinegar, and Castile soap. 


Break It Down 


You have your cleaning list, your products, and now it is time to make a plan of attack. You don’t have to clean your entire space in one day. That can be daunting depending on how big your space is. To make spring cleaning more manageable break it down room by room, or even task by task. You don’t want to over-exhaust yourself by trying to get it all done in one afternoon, and for some of us, it's just not realistic. 


You are now ready to start your cleaning! Cleaning does not have to be a chore, add some music, make a pot of tea or coffee and get busy. Kick everyone out of the house for the afternoon and make this a process for yourself. Having a clean space that is free from clutter can have a huge impact on your mood. Instead of dreading spring cleaning this year think of it as an act of self-care. We want to take care of ourselves, let's also take care of our space!
