Creating a Designer Christmas Tree

A designer Christmas tree that everyone can have in their home with just a few easy steps.

decorated christmas tree using neutral tones and metallics

Creating a designer Christmas tree can be as simple or as extravagant as you want it to be. Depending on your personal style and home decor, you can tailor any Christmas tree to be a designer one with our simple tips. A designer tree can be achieved with 7 simple elements. These elements can be used to create a cozy, elegant, family -focused tree perfect for Christmas morning or an elaborate and decorative tree ready to dazzle your dinner party guests. We also created a shopping guide to help inspire your decorating and offer suggestions if you are looking to change up your tree this year. Our shopping guide is located below.

  1. Using a Basket or Tree Skirt

flocked christmas tree with warm twinkle lights

Before you start adding decor to your tree it helps to start planning at the base. The Christmas tree has traditionally been dressed with a tree skirt to cover its base. You can use the Christmas tree skirt to add a personal touch to your tree. The skirt can be sentimental to you, or it can be the base colour of your tree's palette. You can alternatively use a basket to place the tree in. Using a basket can change the feel of the tree and can be a fun alternative to the traditional skirt.


2. Fluffing Your Tree

Whether you prefer the look and feel of an artificial tree or a natural tree, it is important to fluff your tree to make it nice and full before adding decorations. If you are using an artificial tree make sure to fluff it prior to adding on your lights. Working your way through your tree, start by fluffing each branch one at a time beginning at the base of the branches and moving upward. When fluffing the branches try to have all the different stems on the branch moving in different ways from the inside to the outside. Leave the outermost stems pointed outward to keep the full dimension of the tree. 


3. Lights

close up of twinkle lights on flocked tree

You can never add too many lights to your Christmas tree. The more lights you add the brighter it will shine in your home. A rule of thumb for lights on any Christmas tree is to have 1 strand of 100 lights per foot of height on your tree. If you have a 10-foot tree, you will need 10 strands of 100 lights at least. To make your tree truly sparkle you could even double the amount of lights per foot. A pre-light tree could always use more lights, don’t be afraid to add more. Lights should be placed on the inside and outside of the tree, they should drape along each branch from the inside of the stem to the tip of it. You can take a photo of your tree with the lights on to see if you missed any sections or need to add more lights. Once you have added lights to your tree, go back and re-fluff any sections as needed.


4. Garland

flocked christmas tree with garland how to decorate your tree

Next, you’ll be adding garland to your tree. To add colour and texture to your tree experiment with different types of garland. Once you have found more than one type of garland that builds on your tree’s style, place the garland on the tree. I like to use a 3” fuzzy fur-styled garland as the first one to wrap around the tree to give a snowy effect and fill in open spaces. Cutting the garland into 4’-5’ lengths is helpful to move them throughout the tree. For my second type of garland, I use a beaded snowflake decorative style garland. Be cautious not to overuse garland to decorate your tree, there should still be plenty of room for ornaments. Tuck some parts of the garland further into the tree and some pieces closer out. Your garland should create a wave effect around your tree. Placing the garland like this helps create visual movement throughout your tree. 

furry, velvet and glitter ribbon to decorate your christmas tree
beaded silver snowflake garland decoration for christmas tree

5. Floral Picks

sparkly champgne flower sprig for decorating your tree

Adding floral picks to your Christmas tree can elevate its design by helping fill the tree and adding different textures and shapes to it. Floral picks can additionally soften the look of your tree. If adding floral picks, put the picks into the tree in the same direction of the branches. This helps blend the picks in. Experiment with 3 different kinds of picks, using around 5-8 of each kind to fill the design of the tree.


6. Ornaments

silvery metallic star, glass deer, glittery snowflake ornaments

Now it is time for the best part, ornaments! Ornaments are the element of the tree that really brings your personality through it. You can set the tone and feel of your tree through the types of ornaments that you use. Ornaments can hold incredible sentimental and family value or they can be the piece to add bold character to your tree. Use multiple sizes of ornaments on your tree. Start with your largest ornaments first, working your way down to your smallest for the finishing touches. Hang your simplest ornaments to create a base for your colour palette. Mix placing ornaments within the tree and outside it to continue to create movement and volume within your tree. Use ornaments that have different textures, such as shiny or matte, rough or smooth, glittery or fluffy. Next, use your more decorative ornaments with more shape. Finally, add your smaller ornaments, these are perfect for placing near the tips of the branches and anywhere you see spots that need to be filled. 

metallic mini tree ornaments displayed in package

7. Ribbon

close up of flocked tree with velvet ribbon and metallic tree ornaments

The final step is to add ribbon, you can use ribbon to create a cascading effect down the tree. You can place ribbons on the tree by hiding the ends by tucking them into the tree. I used a 2” velvet ribbon approximately 18’-24’ long. You can use ribbon a few ways throughout your tree, you can create a coil effect by wrapping it around your hand, then lightly pulling it apart before adding it to the tree. You can also create ribbon tufts by looping a few types of ribbons together. Play around with the different styles of ribbon to find what you like for your tree.

example of white velvet ribbon for decorating your tree
white velvet ribbon coiled to show how to display on your tree
close up of flocked christmas tree with glittery ribbons and metallic ornaments

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year to show off your home decor skills and personal style through decorating your home and Christmas tree. The beautiful thing about decorating your Christmas tree is that it gives you an opportunity to make it as personal, elegant, timeless, or as bold as you want. Any tree can be a designer Christmas tree, it does not take expensive ornaments or ribbons to make your tree dream-worthy. Our 7 simple steps can help accent the beauty of your tree without breaking the bank. However you decide to decorate your tree, nothing will beat the feeling of surrounding it on Christmas morning with your family and friends, sharing laughter and love. 


Christmas tree decorations for your shopping guide baskets tree topper tree skirt
  1. Indaba Tinsel Heart Ornament, Alchemy Living- SHOP

  2. Midnight Shimmer Ornament, Smoke, Alchemy Living- SHOP

  3. Winter Sparkle Ornament, Alchemy Living - SHOP

  4. Sequin Snowflake Ornament, Nest & Nook Housewares- SHOP

  5. Flake White Velvet Tree Skirt, CB2- SHOP

  6. Waves Teardrop Clear Glass Ornament, CB2- SHOP

  7. Textured Metallic Icicle Ornaments, CB2- SHOP

  8. Metallic Glass Textured Christmas Ornaments, CB2- SHOP

  9. Nickel Star Tree Topper, CB2- SHOP

  10. Jewelled Snowflake Tree Topper, Pottery Barn- SHOP

  11. Beachcomber Basket Tree Collar, Pottery Barn - SHOP

LifestyleJordyn Williamson